Use markdown to quickly generate docs, notes, blogs, etc. Supported by Gatsby with plugins that combines commonmark with mdx Recently upgraded to v2
v2.x - breaking upgrade
Gatsby recently (4.21) announced support for mdx2. I really didn't see a lot wrong with the way v1 was running, but the new version promises to scale and build much better, has extensive configuration options (like adding github markdown extensions), and is maintained. Gatsby still doesn't fully support ESM, so there is quite a bit of the remark/markdown ecosystem that is kludgy at the moment, but there are some interesting packages on the horizon.
official example plugin doc options future rehype plugins future remark plugins
- remove @mdx-js/mdx 1.6.22
- @mdx-js/react 1.6.22 goes to 2.1.2
- gatsby-plugin-mdx 3.20.0 goes to 4.0.0
- breaking changes to configs and every page
npm changes
npm uninstall @mdx-js/mdx
npm i @mdx-js/react@2 gatsby-plugin-mdx@4
- remove any gatsby-remark-images mention outside of gatsbyRemarkPlugins
- change options for gatsby-plugin-mdx
- no longer allows for specification of defaultLayouts
- other options link
my gatsby-config
resolve: "gatsby-plugin-mdx",
options: {
gatsbyRemarkPlugins: [
resolve: "gatsby-remark-images",
options: {
maxWidth: 1200,
layout hack
mdx has a special component: the layout. If defined, it is used to wrap all content. This simulates the mdx v1 behaviour of wrapping the content in the gatsby-config
add layout in the header of every mdx file
export {Layout as default} from './components.js'
or if Layout is the default component useimport Layout from '../../components/layout';
export default Layout
OR wrap layout in config
added to gatsby-browser and gatsby-ssr
export const wrapPageElement = ({ element,props }) => {
return (
<SnackbarProvider maxSnack={3} dense preventDuplicate>
<Layout {...props}>
new gatsby-node
runs to generate mdx pages with custom layout wrappers, not necessary in our simple case
gatsby-browser, ssr
- requires layout to be used in the wrapPageElement we can longer have LayoutPub and Layout as separate choices for layouts.
- alternately, can require in mdx header
pages with layout components
remove the component
mdx content changes
- comments -
<!-- comment -->
goes to{/* */}